Interview with Saska Dimitrievska, Head of Financial Sector at Golden Art
Saska, you have a bachelor's degree by profession. economist, 7 years ago attended accounting training, basic and advanced, in Nova Consulting. What are you doing now?
Today I work as a financial manager in one of the most prestigious companies in Macedonia GOLDEN ART. I remember the first meeting with the director of Golden Art, which was organized by Kristina in the premises of Nova Consulting. The same day, Kristina informed me that I was expected to work at Golden Art tomorrow. I am happy and satisfied that today I am among the most valuable employees in this company, I am even more satisfied with the fact that last year I received the award for the most valuable mother-worker in Golden Art.
Do you have a feeling that you are confident in what you are doing, having in mind the situation in Macedonia with inspections, auditors ...?
I feel pretty confident about what I do. Having a diploma alone is not enough at all. We are all aware that success in the workplace does not start with employment, it is a very complex process where additional training, courses, and maximum investment by the employee are required. In terms of security, I will add the following: if I have a dilemma Christina is always ready to help.
What is the way to be a successful financial manager?
Work, more work, and a lot of work. If you are in a position like mine, head of the financial sector, many things are crucial: to love the company you work for, to get the most out of it, to create a good team, to be here for all employees, to constantly upgrade and you follow the rules in the company.
What makes you happy in your private life?
My greatest happiness is my daughter Nika. I spend every free moment with her. It fills my day, motivates me for new successes and new perspectives in life. And I look forward to her every step, every smile, and her little outstretched hand when she ask for a walk.