We believe that we have the ideal combination of experience, resources and knowledge necessary to deliver the specific services needed for your business from establishing a business to control your financial statements.
– Nikolaki MiovTelecommunication and IT
Search for customers worldwide
Со цел да се искористат можностите, да се намалат влијанијата на трендот на намалување на приходите и да се поврзат повеќе клиенти со повеќе нови услуги ширум светот, телекомуникациите мора да ги трансформираат своите бизнис модели, да ги преработат оперативните процедури и да ги обноват своите политики за обука за човечки ресурси и регрутирање.
Working remotely
Due to new IT services technology:
- Consulting when choosing an optimal technological solution,
- Needs analysis and feasibility study,
- Consulting in the introduction of new services on the market,
- Specialized training in the field of telecommunications,
- Training in the latest technology and marketing trends
can be run remotely. In search of cost reduction, foreign IT companies are increasingly finding the motive to move the business in Macedonia.
Experienced with IT and telecommunication companies
Internet companies, call centers, telecommunication and cable companies can rely on the understanding and experience of the PKF Nova Konsalting team in finding the best approaches to achieving their financial, operational and strategic goals.
PKF Nova Consulting has successful cooperation in the field of accounting and auditing with Musala Soft (Bulgaria), ITS Iskratel (Slovenia), Further (Sweden), Istate (Great Britain) ...
Mapping Developers / Developers / SYSAdmins
Our moto is: "To provide confidence that you can rely on at any time!